Precis Writing  Examples with Explanation

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What is Precis Writing?  A precis is a summary of reading. It is written in your own words and should cover all the important aspects and details of the reading.

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Rules Rules for Precis Writing To avoid making any errors in writing the precis, follow a set of rules as mentioned in next slide

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- Read the given passage thoroughly and try to understand the main idea behind it. - Underline the key points and main ideas while reading the passage.

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- Make sure that the precis is written in the present tense. - Do not change the passage's original meaning while writing the precis. 

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- Try to use your own words as much as possible and avoid using quotes. - The precis should be brief and to the point.

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- Try to use your own words as much as possible and avoid using quotes. - The precis should be brief and to the point.

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The main idea of this passage is to give a set of rules to follow when writing a precis, which is a summary of a text.

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The rules are: to understand the main idea behind the text, underline key points, use present tense, use your own words, and be brief.

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Precis Writing Examples with Explanation and method in Detail

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